Mastering Backbone.js: In-Depth Interview Questions & Best Practices

This comprehensive guide dives deep into Backbone.js, covering both fundamental and advanced concepts crucial for interviews and practical application. We explore the core components (Models, Views, Collections, Routers), architecture, and essential functionalities. This resource provides detailed answers to frequently asked Backbone.js interview questions, including those on event handling, data binding, and efficient communication with server-side APIs. Learn about best practices for structuring your applications, managing collections, and optimizing performance. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to excel in your next Backbone.js interview.

Top Backbone.js Interview Questions and Answers

What is Backbone.js?

Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that provides structure to JavaScript-heavy web applications. It's designed to make it easier to build single-page applications (SPAs) by organizing code into models, views, collections, and routers, following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.

Backbone.js Programming Language

Backbone.js is written in JavaScript and utilizes a RESTful JSON interface for data interaction with servers.

Main Components of Backbone.js

  • Models: Represent data and its associated logic. They handle data validation and persistence.
  • Views: Define how the data is displayed to the user (the user interface).
  • Collections: Ordered sets of models.
  • Routers: Manage client-side routing and map URLs to application actions.
  • Events: A system for binding and triggering custom events.

Backbone.js Architecture

Backbone.js follows the MVC pattern:

  • Model: Holds the data and related logic for retrieving it from the server.
  • View: Creates the user interface, displaying data from the model.
  • Controller (Router): Manages application logic and handles user interactions, acting as a bridge between the model and the view.

When to Use Backbone.js

Backbone.js is useful for:

  • Web applications with significant JavaScript code.
  • Organizing complex JavaScript applications for better scalability.
  • Integrating with jQuery for DOM manipulation and animations.
  • Automatically updating HTML based on model changes.

Collections in Backbone.js

A Backbone Collection is an ordered set of models. It provides methods for managing and working with a collection of models, such as adding, removing, and sorting.

Setting up Backbone.js

To set up a Backbone.js environment, you typically include these JavaScript files:

  • jQuery
  • Underscore.js
  • Backbone.js

Backbone.js Router

The Backbone Router maps URLs to application actions or views. It manages client-side routing, making URLs bookmarkable and shareable. Each route is associated with a handler function that is executed when the URL matches the route.

Backbone Events

Backbone's event system allows you to bind callback functions to events that are triggered by models, collections, or views. Methods include:

  • on: Binds an event handler.
  • off: Removes an event handler.
  • trigger: Triggers an event.
  • once: Binds an event handler that executes only once.
  • listenTo: Listens for events on another object.
  • stopListening: Stops listening for events.
  • listenToOnce: Listens for an event that triggers only once.

Views in Backbone.js

Views are responsible for rendering the user interface, creating the visual representation of data from the models. They also handle user interaction by listening for events and responding accordingly.

ModelBinder in Backbone.js

The ModelBinder is a helper class that synchronizes data between the model and the view in Backbone.js applications. It ensures consistency between the application data and the UI representation.

Robust Functionalities of ModelBinder

  • Allows defining the scope of binding using jQuery selectors.
  • Uses name attributes to determine binding by default.
  • Provides options for overriding default scoping rules.

Advantages of Backbone.js

  • Provides structure to JavaScript-heavy applications.
  • Supports MVC architecture for organizing code.
  • Includes useful methods and functions via its API.
  • Supports key-value binding and custom events.
  • Simplifies DOM manipulation through its view system.

Converters in Backbone.js

Converters transform data between JavaScript objects and model attributes. They handle data formatting and type conversions during data binding.

sync() in Backbone.js

The sync() method handles communication with the server, persisting data to and from the server.

Backbone.js Utility Methods

  • Backbone.noConflict(): Restores the original Backbone object to the global scope, preventing naming conflicts.
  • Backbone.$: Specifies the jQuery or similar library to be used by Backbone.

Unbinding in Backbone.js

The unbinding function removes event handlers from models or collections. It’s essential for cleaning up event listeners when components are no longer needed.

Backbone.js Configuration Options

Backbone.js offers configuration options that customize its behavior. Some key options include:

  • modelSetOptions
  • boundAttributes
  • suppressThrows
  • converter
  • changeTriggers
  • initialCopyDirection

Alternatives to Backbone.js Dependencies

While Backbone.js relies on Underscore.js, you can sometimes replace jQuery with lighter alternatives like Zepto.js, and Underscore.js with Lodash.

Backbone.js Model id vs. cid

The id attribute is typically assigned by the server (from your backend database), identifying a persistent record. The cid (client ID) is a unique identifier generated automatically by Backbone when a model is created, used until a persistent ID from the server is received.

listenTo() vs. on() for Event Handlers

listenTo() on()
The listener object keeps track of handlers and automatically cleans them up when needed. Callback context is the listener itself. Event handlers are bound directly to the target object. Cleanup requires manual removal.

Sorting Collections in Backbone.js

Backbone collections are sorted using a comparator function which determines the sorting order. The collection is automatically sorted when a model is added or if the sort() method is called explicitly.

Explicitly Sorting Collections

In Backbone.js, when a model attribute changes within a collection, the collection's order doesn't automatically update unless you explicitly call the sort() method. This is because collections only sort when a comparator function is defined and either a new model is added or the sort() method is called.

Overriding Backbone.js's RESTful API Support

To customize how Backbone.js interacts with REST APIs, you can override the sync method. This allows you to create custom functions for handling create, read, update, and delete operations. You can override this behavior globally (by setting Backbone.sync) or on a per-model basis (by setting Model.sync). Alternatively, setting Backbone.emulateJSON to true changes the request format.

Prominent Features of Backbone.js

  • Underscore.js Dependency: Leverages Underscore.js for functional programming utilities.
  • jQuery Dependency (Soft): Often used for DOM manipulation (though alternatives exist).
  • MVC Architecture: Organizes code into models, views, and routers.
  • Automatic UI Updates: HTML updates automatically when models change (with proper binding).
  • Client-Side Templating: Uses templates (often Underscore.js templates) to generate HTML, separating presentation logic from JavaScript.
  • Clean UI Updates: Efficient approach to updating the user interface without excessive DOM manipulation.


Backbone.sync() is a function that handles communication with the server for creating, reading, updating, or deleting models. It's a centralized point for managing data persistence.

Creating a Backbone.js Model


const Student = Backbone.Model.extend({
  initialize: function() {
    console.log("Welcome to Backbone.js!");

const student = new Student();

When Backbone.js is Required

Backbone.js is beneficial for:

  • Structuring complex JavaScript applications.
  • Building scalable web applications.
  • Working with jQuery for DOM manipulation.
  • Automatically updating the UI in response to model changes.

`:params` and `*splats` in Backbone.js Routing

Backbone.js routing uses parameters to extract information from the URL:

  • :param: Matches a single URL segment between slashes.
  • *splat: Matches one or more URL segments (usually the last part of the URL).

These parameters are passed as arguments to the route handler function.

Backbone.js for Multiple-Page Web Apps

Backbone.js can be used for multiple-page apps but requires careful planning. Two main approaches exist:

  • Server-Side Rendering: The server serves the same basic HTML page, and Backbone.js handles routing and view changes on the client-side.
  • PushState: Uses the browser's history API to update URLs without page reloads, maintaining the illusion of multiple pages.

The el Property in Backbone.js Views

The el property of a Backbone view refers to the DOM element associated with the view. If not set, Backbone creates a default empty div element.

Powerful Capabilities of ModelBinder

The ModelBinder allows fine-grained control over how models and views are synchronized. Key capabilities include:

  • Customizing the scope of binding using jQuery selectors.
  • Leveraging default scoping rules based on HTML element name attributes.
  • Defining custom scoping rules for complex views.

toJSON() in Backbone.js

The toJSON() method returns a plain JavaScript object representing the model's attributes, suitable for serialization (e.g., converting to JSON).

Storing Model Attributes

Model attributes are stored in a JavaScript object (hash) within the model.

Common Problems with Backbone.js View Code

  • Infrequent model changes.
  • Frequent full-page refreshes from the server.
  • Lack of model sharing between views.

model.cid in Backbone.js

model.cid (client ID) is a unique identifier automatically assigned to each model upon creation, useful before the model receives a persistent ID from the server.

Handling change Events on Model Attributes

When a model attribute changes, the model triggers a "change" event and a more specific event named "change:attributeName".

Example Event Handling

const myModel = new Backbone.Model({ name: 'initial' });
myModel.on('change:name', function(model, value) {
  console.log('Name changed to:', value);
myModel.set('name', 'updated');

Escaping HTML in Backbone.js

The escape() method provides HTML-escaped versions of model attributes, preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

Modifying the el Property of a View

Directly changing a view's el property can lead to inconsistencies. Use the setElement() method instead to ensure proper updates.

model.attributes in Backbone.js

model.attributes holds the model's data as a JavaScript object. Use the set() method to modify attributes.

Backbone.js Utility Class

The Backbone utility class provides helper methods, including:

  • noConflict(): Resolves potential naming conflicts with other libraries.
  • $(): Allows specifying a custom DOM library (e.g., jQuery).

parse() in Backbone.js

The parse() method transforms data received from the server before it's used to update the model attributes.

setElement() Method

The setElement() method is used to change the DOM element associated with a Backbone view.