Java Enum Interview Questions and Answers

This page provides answers to frequently asked Java Enum interview questions.

What is an Enum?

An enum (short for enumeration) allows a type to define a set of named constants. For example:


enum Animals {
    dog, lion, cat, fish

This defines an Animals enum with four possible values.

Enum Ordinal

Java assigns ordinal numbers (integers starting from 0) to enum constants in the order they're declared. While not ideal for logic, they are available:


System.out.println(; // 0
System.out.println(Animals.lion.ordinal()); // 1

Using Switch Statements with Enums

Enums work seamlessly with switch statements:


public int num() {
    switch (this) {
        case dog: return 5;
        case lion: return 8;
        // ... more cases
        default: return -1; 

Purpose of Enums

Enums are ideal for defining lists of constants, especially when there are a limited number of possible values.

Static and Final Enum Constants

Yes, enum constants are implicitly public, static, and final.

Adding Elements to an Enum

No, you cannot add elements to an enum after its definition. The elements are fixed at compile time.

Benefits of Using Enums

  • Improved type safety
  • Readability and maintainability
  • Easy use in switch statements
  • Can't be extended at runtime
  • Can't be instantiated directly
  • Can have constructors, methods, and fields

Enum's ordinal() Method

The ordinal() method returns the position of an enum constant in its declaration order (starting from 0).

Enums and Interfaces

Yes, enums can implement interfaces.

Creating an Enum Without Instances

It's possible to create an enum without any instances, often used for utility classes. This is an advanced usage scenario.

Overriding toString() in Enums

Yes, you can override the toString() method. If not overridden, the default implementation returns the enum constant's name.

Creating Enum Instances Outside the Enum Definition

No, you cannot create enum instances outside the enum declaration. The compiler manages enum instance creation.

Private Constructor in Enum

You can define a private constructor within an enum, but public and protected constructors are not allowed.

Enums with TreeSet or TreeMap

Yes, enums can be used with TreeSet and TreeMap because they implicitly implement the Comparable interface.

ordinal() vs. compareTo()

compareTo() mirrors the ordering of ordinal(), comparing enum constants based on their declaration order. Comparison is only valid within the same enum type.

Enums Extending Classes

No, enums in Java cannot extend classes (except implicitly extending java.lang.Enum).

Looping Through Enum Instances

Use the values() method to get an array of all enum constants and then iterate using a loop (e.g., a for-each loop).

Enums as Singletons

Enums provide a convenient and thread-safe way to implement the Singleton pattern, avoiding complexities like double-checked locking.

Enum Pattern vs. Enum Int/String Patterns

The modern enum pattern (using the enum keyword) is superior to older approaches (using public static final constants) due to improved type safety and compiler enforcement.

Converting String to Enum

A common approach is to create a static factory method within the enum that takes a String and returns the corresponding enum constant (or handles invalid input).