Top Django Interview Questions and Answers

What is Django?

Django is a high-level, open-source web framework written in Python. It's designed to help developers build complex, robust, and maintainable websites quickly and efficiently using its Model-View-Template (MVT) architectural pattern. Django's structure and features encourage rapid development while emphasizing security and scalability.

Django's Name Origin

Django is named after Django Reinhardt, a highly influential jazz guitarist.

Django's Architectural Pattern: MVT (Model-View-Template)

Django uses the Model-View-Template (MVT) pattern, a variation of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. In Django's MVT:

  • Model: Represents the data (database interactions).
  • View: Contains the business logic; processes data and selects the template.
  • Template: The presentation layer; renders the HTML.

The flow is typically: User requests a resource → Django (controller) checks URL mapping → View is called (interacts with model and selects template) → Template is rendered → Response is sent to the user.

Django Architecture: Models, Views, and Templates

  • Models ( Define the data structure and database interactions. Django's ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) simplifies database operations.
  • Views ( Handle business logic and select appropriate templates.
  • Templates (*.html): Define the presentation layer; contain the HTML code.
Example Model (

from django.db import models

class Employee(models.Model):
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)

Django's Framework Level

Django is a high-level framework; it provides many built-in features and tools to simplify development.

Pronunciation of "Django"

Django is pronounced "JANG-oh".

How Django Processes a Request

  1. URL Routing: Django's URL dispatcher matches the incoming request URL to a defined URL pattern.
  2. View Execution: The corresponding view function is called. The view handles the request logic and retrieves data (often from the database).
  3. Template Rendering: The view function selects and renders a template, creating the HTML response.
  4. Response: The rendered HTML is sent to the user's browser.

Django Software Foundation (DSF)

The Django Software Foundation is a non-profit organization responsible for the continued development and support of the Django web framework.

Django's Stability

Django is a stable and mature framework used in many production websites. Its popularity and widespread use demonstrate its reliability and capabilities.

Key Features of Django

  • Built-in admin interface.
  • Templating engine.
  • Form handling.
  • Internationalization support.
  • User authentication and authorization.
  • Object-relational mapper (ORM).
  • Testing framework.
  • Extensive documentation.

Advantages of Using Django

  • Rapid development.
  • Clean and organized code structure.
  • Scalability.
  • Security features.
  • Large and active community.

Disadvantages of Django

  • Can be overkill for small projects.
  • Strong reliance on its ORM.
  • All components are tightly coupled.

Inheritance Styles in Django Models

  • Abstract Base Classes: Define common fields and methods without creating a table.
  • Multi-table Inheritance: Each model has its own database table.
  • Proxy Models: Modify model behavior without changing fields.

Django and Content Management Systems (CMS)

Django is a web framework, not a CMS. While you can use Django to build a CMS, it requires additional development work beyond the core framework.

Setting Up Static Files in Django

  1. Configure STATIC_ROOT in
  2. Run python collectstatic.
  3. Configure your web server (e.g., Nginx or Apache) to serve static files.

Middleware in Django

Middleware are components that modify request-response cycles in Django. Common uses include:

  • Authentication
  • Session management
  • Security (e.g., CSRF protection)

Django Field Class Types

Django's field types define database columns and form widgets, providing data validation and input handling. vs.
The core Django command-line utility. A project-specific wrapper around; configures settings and adds project paths.

Django Signals

Django signals provide a mechanism for notifying parts of the application about events (e.g., saving a model instance). This allows for decoupled and flexible code.

Signal Parameters

  • sender: The object that sent the signal.
  • receiver: The function that handles the signal.

Handling URLs in Django

Django's file maps URL patterns to view functions using regular expressions. The path() function is commonly used. Example

from django.urls import path
from myapp import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('my-view/', views.my_view_function, name='my-view'),

Django Exceptions

Django provides custom exception classes for handling errors. These exceptions help manage and handle errors that might occur during the application's execution.

Django Session Management

Django sessions store data on the server-side for each user's session. They are commonly used to store user login information and other temporary data.

Cookies in Django

Cookies are small pieces of data stored in the user's browser. Django provides functions for setting and retrieving cookie data. Cookies persist across requests, unlike session data.

Setting a Cookie

response.set_cookie('my_cookie', 'my_value')

Django Exceptions

Django's exception handling provides custom exception classes to manage various errors that might occur. These exceptions help developers gracefully handle errors and provide informative feedback.

Types of Django Exceptions

Exception Class Description
AppRegistryNotReady Raised when attempting to access models before the application has fully loaded.
ObjectDoesNotExist Raised when an object is not found in the database.
EmptyResultSet Raised when a database query returns no results.
FieldDoesNotExist Raised when a requested field does not exist on a model.
MultipleObjectsReturned Raised when a query that expects a single object returns multiple objects.
SuspiciousOperation Raised when a potentially malicious operation is detected (security related).
PermissionDenied Raised when a user lacks the necessary permissions to perform an action.
ViewDoesNotExist Raised when a requested view is not found.
MiddlewareNotUsed Raised when middleware is not properly configured.
ImproperlyConfigured Raised due to incorrect configuration settings.
FieldError Raised due to an error with a model field.
ValidationError Raised when data validation fails.

Django Sessions

Django sessions store data on the server-side to maintain state during a user's interaction with a web application. This is used to store things like user authentication information and other temporary data relevant to the session.

Cookies in Django

Cookies are small pieces of data stored in the user's web browser. Django provides methods for setting and retrieving cookies, allowing you to store information on the client-side. Cookies can persist across multiple requests.

Setting and Retrieving Cookies (Example)

# Setting a cookie
response.set_cookie('java-tutorial', '')

# Retrieving a cookie
tutorial = request.COOKIES['java-tutorial']