Top PySpark Interview Questions and Answers

This section covers frequently asked PySpark interview questions, focusing on its core concepts, data structures (RDDs, DataFrames, Datasets), and essential functionalities for big data processing.

What is PySpark?

PySpark is a Python API for Apache Spark. It allows you to use Python to work with Spark's capabilities for distributed computing, including Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, machine learning (MLlib), and graph processing. PySpark provides tools for processing large datasets efficiently in a distributed environment.

Installing PySpark

pip install pyspark

Key Characteristics of PySpark

  • Abstracted Nodes: You don't directly interact with individual worker nodes.
  • MapReduce-based: Uses the MapReduce paradigm for distributed data processing.
  • APIs for Spark Features: Provides Python APIs for accessing Spark's functionalities.
  • Abstracted Network: Handles network communication implicitly.

RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) in PySpark

An RDD is a fundamental data structure in Spark. It's a fault-tolerant, immutable, distributed collection of data. Operations on RDDs are parallelized across a cluster.

Advantages and Disadvantages of PySpark

Advantages Disadvantages
Ease of Use Easy to learn for Python developers Can be less efficient than native Spark (Scala)
Performance Good performance for many tasks Can be slower for some operations compared to Scala
Library Support Leverages Python's extensive libraries Limited control over Spark internals

Prerequisites for Learning PySpark

Basic familiarity with Python and Apache Spark is recommended before diving into PySpark.

Immutability of Partitions

In PySpark, transformations create new partitions. This immutability helps ensure data consistency and fault tolerance across the distributed environment.

RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets

Data Structure RDD DataFrame Dataset
Type Resilient Distributed Dataset Distributed collection with schema Typed distributed collection
Level Low-level Higher-level Highest-level
Schema No schema Has a schema Strongly typed schema
Performance High performance for low-level transformations Good performance with schema and optimizations Best performance with Catalyst and Tungsten optimizations

SparkContext in PySpark

SparkContext is the entry point for using Spark functionalities. It initializes the Spark environment and allows creating RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets.

StorageLevel in PySpark

StorageLevel controls how RDD partitions are stored (in memory, on disk, serialized, etc.). It impacts performance and fault tolerance.


pyspark.StorageLevel(useDisk, useMemory, useOffHeap, deserialized, replication)

Data Cleaning

Data cleaning is crucial for preparing data for analysis. It involves identifying and handling missing values, outliers, inconsistencies, and errors.

SparkConf in PySpark

SparkConf is used to configure Spark applications (master URL, application name, etc.).

Algorithms Supported by PySpark's MLlib

PySpark's MLlib (machine learning library) supports various algorithms:

  • Regression
  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Collaborative filtering
  • Frequent pattern mining

Spark Core

Spark Core is the foundational engine of Spark, providing core functionalities like distributed task scheduling, memory management, and fault tolerance.

Key Functions of Spark Core

  • I/O operations
  • Task scheduling
  • Job monitoring
  • Memory management
  • Fault recovery

SparkFiles in PySpark

SparkFiles provides methods for accessing files added to a Spark application using sc.addFile().

PySpark Serializers

PySpark uses serializers to efficiently transfer data. Choices include:

  • PickleSerializer (supports most Python objects but is slower).
  • MarshalSerializer (faster but supports fewer data types).

PySpark ArrayType

ArrayType is a PySpark data type representing arrays (lists) of elements. All elements within an ArrayType must be of the same data type. You can create an ArrayType using the ArrayType() constructor.


from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, StringType
myArrayType = ArrayType(StringType(), containsNull=False)

Frequently Used Spark Ecosystems

Apache Spark offers various components for different data processing tasks:

  • Spark SQL: For working with structured data.
  • Spark Streaming: Processes real-time data streams.
  • GraphX: For graph processing algorithms.
  • MLlib: Provides machine learning algorithms.
  • SparkR: Allows using R with Spark.

PySpark MLlib

MLlib is PySpark's machine learning library. It provides scalable implementations of various machine learning algorithms:

  • mllib.classification: Classification algorithms (e.g., Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Logistic Regression).
  • mllib.clustering: Clustering algorithms (e.g., K-means).
  • mllib.fpm: Frequent Pattern Mining (e.g., association rule mining).
  • mllib.linalg: Linear algebra functions.
  • mllib.recommendation: Collaborative filtering and recommender systems.
  • mllib.regression: Regression algorithms (e.g., Linear Regression).

PySpark Partitions

Partitions divide RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) into smaller parts for parallel processing. The number of partitions should generally be a multiple of the number of CPU cores available in your cluster (4x the number of cores is a common recommendation). This improves the processing speed because tasks can be executed concurrently.

partitionBy() Method


PySpark DataFrames

DataFrames are distributed collections of data organized into named columns, similar to tables in a relational database. They provide a higher-level interface than RDDs and support optimized operations.

Joins in PySpark DataFrames

Joins combine DataFrames based on a common column. PySpark supports various join types (inner, outer, left, right, etc.).

join() Method

df1.join(df2, on='commonColumn', how='inner')
Join Type SQL Equivalent
outer, full, fullouter, full_outer FULL OUTER JOIN
left, leftouter, left_outer LEFT (OUTER) JOIN
right, rightouter, right_outer RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN
leftsemi, left_semi LEFT SEMI JOIN
leftanti, left_anti LEFT ANTI JOIN

Parquet Files in PySpark

Parquet is a columnar storage format that's highly efficient for storing and querying large datasets. PySpark supports reading and writing Parquet files.

Cluster Managers in PySpark

Cluster managers provide resources to Spark applications:

  • Standalone (simple, built-in cluster manager).
  • Apache Mesos.
  • Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator).
  • Kubernetes.
  • Local mode (for single-machine testing).

PySpark vs. Pandas Performance

PySpark generally outperforms Pandas for large datasets due to its ability to distribute computations across multiple machines.

get(filename) vs. getrootdirectory()

SparkFiles.get(filename) returns the path to a specific file added using SparkContext.addFile(). SparkFiles.getRootDirectory() returns the base directory where these files are stored.

SparkSession in PySpark

SparkSession (introduced in Spark 2.0) is the entry point for Spark functionality, replacing earlier contexts (SQLContext, StreamingContext, etc.).

Advantages of PySpark RDDs

  • Immutability: Ensures data consistency.
  • Fault tolerance: Data is replicated for resilience.
  • Data Locality: Partitions are located on the nodes where they're needed.
  • Lazy evaluation: Computations aren't executed until an action is called.
  • In-memory processing: Data is stored in memory for fast access.

Workflow of a Spark Program

  1. Create an input RDD.
  2. Apply transformations (map, filter, etc.).
  3. Persist RDDs (if needed).
  4. Execute an action (like collect() or count()) to trigger computation.

Implementing Machine Learning with Spark

Use Spark's MLlib library for scalable machine learning. It offers various algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, etc.

Custom Profilers in PySpark

PySpark allows creating custom profilers for analyzing data. A custom profiler class must implement the following methods:

  • stats(): Returns collected statistics.
  • profile(): Generates a system profile.
  • dump(rddId, path): Dumps profile data for a specific RDD to a file.
  • add(): Adds a profile to an existing profile.

The profiler class needs to be specified during SparkContext creation.

Spark Driver

The Spark driver is the process that runs the main program (driver program) on the master node of a Spark cluster. It is responsible for scheduling tasks and coordinating the work of the executors (processes running on worker nodes).


SparkJobInfo provides information about running Spark jobs (job ID, stages, status).

SparkJobInfo Class

from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType
from collections import namedtuple
SparkJobInfo = namedtuple("SparkJobInfo", ["jobId", "stageIds", "status"])

Main Functions of Spark Core

Spark Core handles essential tasks:

  • I/O operations (reading and writing data).
  • Job scheduling and execution.
  • Monitoring and managing jobs.
  • Memory management.
  • Fault tolerance and recovery.


SparkStageInfo provides information about individual stages within a Spark job (stage ID, status, tasks, etc.).

SparkStageInfo Class

SparkStageInfo = namedtuple("SparkStageInfo", ["stageId", "attemptId", "name", "numTasks", "numActiveTasks", "numCompletedTasks", "numFailedTasks"])

Spark Execution Engine

Spark's execution engine is optimized for in-memory processing, making it efficient for iterative computations on large datasets.

Akka in PySpark

Akka is used for communication between the Spark driver and executors. It handles the messaging and task scheduling aspects of Spark's distributed execution model.

startsWith() and endsWith() Methods

The startsWith() and endsWith() methods (in PySpark's Column class) are used for filtering rows in a DataFrame based on string matching. They are case-sensitive.

RDD Lineage

RDD lineage tracks the transformations applied to an RDD. This information is used to efficiently reconstruct lost partitions in case of failures.

Creating PySpark DataFrames from External Sources

PySpark can create DataFrames from diverse sources (CSV, JSON, Parquet, etc., files; databases; Hive tables).

Example: Reading a CSV

df ="myFile.csv")

SparkConf Attributes

Key attributes of the SparkConf object include:

  • set(key, value): Sets a configuration property.
  • setSparkHome(path): Sets the Spark home directory.
  • setAppName(name): Sets the application name.
  • setMaster(url): Sets the master URL.
  • get(key): Retrieves a configuration value.

Integrating Spark with Apache Mesos

  1. Configure the Spark driver to use Mesos.
  2. Ensure Spark is installed in a location accessible by Mesos.
  3. Set the spark.mesos.executor.home property.

File Systems Supported by Spark

  • Local file system
  • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
  • Amazon S3
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Other cloud storage providers

Automatic Cleanup in Spark

Configure the spark.cleaner.ttl parameter to trigger automatic cleanup of accumulated metadata.

Limiting Data Movement in Spark

Use accumulators to minimize data shuffling.

Spark SQL vs. HQL vs. SQL

Spark SQL supports SQL and HiveQL (Hive Query Language) for querying data. It can interact with existing SQL and Hive tables.

DStreams in PySpark

DStreams (Discretized Streams) are used in Spark Streaming to represent a continuous stream of data as a sequence of RDDs. They allow you to process streaming data in a distributed manner.