Web Developer Interview Questions

This section covers frequently asked web developer interview questions.

1. Key Responsibilities of a Web Developer.

(This section lists key responsibilities of a web developer, including design, development, testing, deployment, maintenance, debugging, and collaboration with other team members.)

2. Prerequisites for Web Developers.

A web developer needs a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Experience with frameworks (like React, Angular, Vue.js), databases (SQL), and other tools is also valuable.

3. Advantages of HTTP/2 over HTTP/1.1.

  • Header compression
  • Server push
  • Request prioritization
  • Multiple resources over a single TCP connection

4. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).

CORS is a mechanism that allows web pages to make requests to servers on different domains. It's crucial for enabling functionalities that involve communication between different origins.

5. ETags (Entity Tags).

ETags are opaque identifiers used for caching. They help web servers determine if a client has the latest version of a resource, reducing bandwidth usage by sending only updated data (or using a 304 "Not Modified" response).

6. Latest HTML5 Form Elements.

(This section lists some of the new form input types available in HTML5.)

7. Integrating Stylesheets.

(This section describes how to include multiple stylesheets in an HTML document using the `link` tag, potentially using a main stylesheet and other more specific stylesheets.)

8. Reducing Web Application Load Time.

  • Image optimization
  • Minimizing JavaScript
  • Minifying and combining CSS and JavaScript
  • Asynchronous JavaScript loading

9. Including JavaScript in HTML.

(This section describes methods for including JavaScript in HTML, such as using the `script` tag, inline JavaScript, or using module loaders.)

10. JavaScript Popup Boxes.

  • alert()
  • confirm()
  • prompt()

11. Scope in JavaScript.

Scope determines the accessibility of variables. JavaScript has various scope types (global, function, block).

12. == vs. === in JavaScript.

== checks for loose equality (type coercion); === checks for strict equality (same type and value).

13. HTML <iframe> vs. <div>.

Element Purpose
<iframe> Embeds another HTML document
<div> Defines a section or container

14. HTML vs. XHTML.

HTML is a markup language for creating web pages. XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language) is an XML-based version of HTML with stricter syntax rules.

15. NPM (Node Package Manager).

NPM is a package manager for JavaScript, providing tools for installing, managing, and sharing JavaScript libraries (packages).

16. Webpack.

Webpack is a module bundler that helps package JavaScript modules (and assets like CSS and images) into efficient bundles for web browsers.

17. DOM (Document Object Model).

The DOM is a programming interface representing HTML and XML documents as a tree of nodes and objects. It allows manipulating documents programmatically.

18. Type Conversion in JavaScript.

JavaScript performs type coercion automatically, but explicit conversion functions (like parseInt()) may be necessary for certain scenarios.

19. CDN (Content Delivery Network) in jQuery.

CDNs distribute content across multiple servers globally, improving performance and reducing load times. They cache content closer to users.

20. W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

W3C develops and promotes web standards, such as HTML and CSS.

21. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML).

AJAX enables asynchronous communication between a web page and a server, allowing for dynamic updates without full page reloads.

22. Latest Features of CSS3

CSS3 brought numerous improvements and new features to web design, allowing for more dynamic, flexible, and responsive layouts. Some of the key new features and improvements in CSS3 include:

  • Animations: CSS3 introduced animations that allow elements to move, change size, or alter their appearance without the need for JavaScript.
  • Rounded Corners: Using the border-radius property, you can create elements with rounded corners, adding a modern, polished look.
  • Transitions: The transition property allows you to smoothly change property values when an element's state changes, such as on hover.
  • Flexible Box Model (Flexbox): Flexbox provides a more efficient way to lay out, align, and distribute space among items in a container, even when their sizes are unknown or dynamic.
  • Grid Layout: CSS Grid offers a two-dimensional layout system that enables the creation of complex grid-based designs with ease.
  • Text Shadows: The text-shadow property allows for adding shadow effects to text, improving visual appeal.
  • Box Shadows: The box-shadow property lets you apply shadows to elements, adding depth and making the design feel more interactive.
  • Media Queries: Media queries help create responsive web designs by applying styles based on device characteristics such as screen size, resolution, or orientation.

CSS3 has greatly enhanced the web design and development experience, allowing developers to create more interactive, aesthetically pleasing, and responsive websites.

23. Responsive Web Design (RWD).

Responsive web design creates websites that adapt to different screen sizes and devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones) without requiring separate versions. It uses flexible layouts and CSS media queries to optimize the user experience across all devices.

24. Types of CSS.

  • Inline CSS: Styles applied directly within HTML elements (using the style attribute).
  • External CSS: Styles defined in separate CSS files (linked using the <link> tag).
  • Embedded CSS: Styles placed within the <style> tag inside the HTML document's <head> section.