Redis Interview Questions and Answers

Here's a collection of frequently asked Redis interview questions.

1. What is Redis?

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports different data structures beyond simple key-value pairs, including hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets.

2. What Does Redis Stand For?

Redis stands for REmote DIctionary Server.

3. How is Redis Different from Other Databases?

Redis is a NoSQL, in-memory data store, known for its speed and support for various data structures. Unlike relational databases (RDBMS), it doesn't use tables; it uses key-value pairs with richer data structures.

4. What Language is Redis Written In?

Redis is written in ANSI C.

5. What is Redis Used For?

Redis is used for caching, session management, real-time analytics, leaderboards, and more. Its speed makes it ideal for applications needing fast data access.

6. How to Interact with Redis.

You can interact with Redis using the redis-cli command-line tool or various client libraries for different programming languages.

7. Popular Companies Using Redis.

Many companies use Redis, including Twitter, GitHub, and Stack Overflow.

8. Main Features of Redis.

  • Easy to install and manage.
  • Very fast (in-memory data store).
  • Atomic operations (ensuring data consistency).
  • Multiple data structures (strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets).
  • Supports many programming languages.
  • Master-slave replication.
  • Portability.

9. Redis Replication Features.

Redis uses master-slave replication to provide high availability. The master database is replicated to one or more slave nodes. This ensures data redundancy and helps maintain service even if the master goes down.

10. Advantages of Using Redis.

  • High speed.
  • Server-side locking.
  • Rich client libraries.
  • Excellent for counters.
  • Atomic operations.

11. Disadvantages/Limitations of Redis.

  • Single-threaded (though newer versions offer multi-threading in certain contexts).
  • Limited client-side support for consistent hashing.
  • Persistence overhead can be significant depending on configuration.

12. Redis vs. RDBMS.

Feature Redis RDBMS
Data Structure Key-value Tables
Speed Very fast Relatively slow
Data Storage In-memory On disk

13. Memcached vs. Redis.

Feature Memcached Redis
Functionality Caching Caching, database, message broker
Data Structures Simple key-value Rich data structures
Persistence Limited Multiple persistence options
Threading Multi-threaded Single-threaded (though newer versions offer multi-threading options)

14. Redis Operation Keys.

Redis provides commands for various key operations, including: TYPE, TTL, EXPIRE, EXPIREAT, EXISTS, DEL.

15. Data Types in Redis.

Redis supports various data types: strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets.

16. Popular Redis Commands.

(The content would link to a resource listing popular commands here)

17. Durability of Redis.

Redis prioritizes speed; data might be lost in case of a sudden system failure if persistence mechanisms aren't configured correctly.

18. Enhancing Redis Durability.

Use persistence features like RDB (Redis Database) snapshots or AOF (Append Only File) logging, and configure appropriate fsync() settings to control how often data is written to disk.

19. Considerations When Using Redis.

  • Consistent key naming conventions.
  • Namespace management.
  • Garbage collection strategy.
  • Sharding for large datasets.

20. Using Redis with .NET Applications.

  1. Install Redis server.
  2. Install a Redis client library for .NET (e.g., StackExchange.Redis).
  3. Configure connection settings.
  4. Use the client library to interact with the Redis server.