Ruby Programming Language Interview Questions

This section covers frequently asked Ruby and Ruby on Rails interview questions.

1. What is Ruby?

Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language emphasizing simplicity and developer productivity. It blends features from several other languages, aiming for a balance between imperative and object-oriented programming.

2. Who Developed Ruby?

Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto developed Ruby in Japan in the mid-1990s.

3. Why is Ruby Considered Flexible?

Ruby's flexibility comes from its ability to modify core language elements. You can redefine or extend built-in functionalities, offering a high degree of customization.

4. Features of Ruby.

  • Object-oriented
  • Flexible syntax
  • Dynamic typing (duck typing)
  • Automatic garbage collection
  • Keyword arguments

5. Ruby vs. Python.

Both are high-level, cross-platform languages. Key differences:

  • Ruby is purely object-oriented; Python is multi-paradigm.
  • Ruby uses mixins; Python doesn't.
  • Ruby has blocks, procs, and lambdas; Python has slightly different mechanisms for closures.

6. Command to Get Ruby Version.

ruby -v

7. Ruby Class Libraries.

Ruby's class libraries cover various domains, including text processing, CGI programming, networking, GUI development, and XML manipulation.

8. Ruby Operators.

Ruby supports various operators:

  • Unary operators
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Logical operators
  • Ternary operator

9. What is RubyGems?

RubyGems is Ruby's package manager, providing a standard way to distribute and manage Ruby libraries (gems).

10. Ruby Variables.

Ruby variables store data. Types include:

  • Local variables
  • Class variables
  • Instance variables
  • Global variables

11. nil vs. false in Ruby.

Feature nil false
Meaning Absence of a value Boolean false
Data Type Not a boolean Boolean

12. Ruby Data Types.

  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Symbols
  • Hashes (key-value pairs)
  • Arrays
  • Booleans

13. load vs. require in Ruby.

Both load and require include external code. load always reloads the file; require only loads it once, preventing multiple inclusion of the same file.

14. Ruby if-else Statements.

Ruby offers various conditional statements:

  • if
  • if-else
  • if-elsif-else
  • Ternary operator (condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false)

15. Ruby case Statement.

The case statement is similar to a switch statement in other languages, providing multiple conditional branches.

16. Ruby for Loop.

The for loop iterates a specific number of times, usually over a range or array.

17. Ruby while Loop.

The while loop continues as long as a condition is true. The number of iterations is not fixed in advance.

18. Ruby do-while Loop (until).

Ruby doesn't have a direct do-while loop. The `until` loop is functionally equivalent; it executes at least once and continues until the condition becomes true.

19. Ruby until Loop.

The until loop executes until a condition becomes true (opposite of while).

20. Ruby break Statement.

break exits a loop prematurely.

21. Ruby next Statement.

next skips the current iteration of a loop and proceeds to the next.

22. Ruby redo Statement.

redo restarts the current iteration of a loop without re-evaluating the loop condition.

23. Ruby retry Statement.

retry restarts the entire loop from the beginning.

24. Comments in Ruby.

Single-line comments start with #. Multi-line comments are enclosed within =begin and =end.

25. Ruby Objects.

In Ruby, everything is an object. Even classes are objects.

26. Creating Ruby Objects.

Use the new method of a class to create a new object of that class (e.g., my_object =

27. Ruby Classes.

Classes define blueprints for creating objects. They encapsulate data (instance variables) and methods.

28. Ruby Methods.

Methods define reusable blocks of code.

29. Using Ruby Methods.

Methods are defined using def and end keywords. Method names typically start with lowercase letters.

30. Ruby Blocks.

Blocks are anonymous functions that are often passed to methods. They are enclosed in curly braces {} or do...end.

31. Ways to Write a Block in Ruby.

Blocks can be written inline (using curly braces {}) or multiline (using do...end).

32. Ruby yield Statement.

yield calls the associated block of code.

33. Ampersand Parameter (&) in Ruby.

The ampersand (&) before a parameter in a method's definition allows you to pass a block to that method as an argument.

34. Ruby Modules.

Modules provide a way to group related methods and constants. They're used for namespacing and mixins (including module functionality into classes).

35. Module Mixins in Ruby.

Mixins are a way to add functionality to classes without using inheritance. You "include" a module in a class to add its methods to that class.

36. Ruby Strings.

Strings in Ruby are objects representing sequences of characters.

37. Accessing Ruby String Elements.

Use square bracket notation (e.g., my_string[0]) to access individual characters in a string using their index.

38. Multiline Strings in Ruby.

You can define multiline strings using double quotes, percent literals, or heredocs.

39. Use of Global Variable $ in Ruby.

The $ prefix indicates a global variable. Global variables are accessible from anywhere in your program, but overuse can make code harder to maintain.

40. Concatenating Strings in Ruby.

String concatenation combines multiple strings into a single string. Ruby offers several ways to do this:

  • Using the + operator (e.g., "Hello" + " " + "World")
  • Using the < operator (appends to the string: str << "more")
  • Using the concat method (e.g., "Hello".concat(" World"))
  • Using string interpolation (e.g., "#{var1} #{var2}")

41. Freezing Strings in Ruby.

By default, Ruby strings are mutable (changeable). The freeze method makes a string immutable, preventing any further modifications.

42. Comparing Ruby Strings.

Several ways to compare strings:

  • ==: Checks for equality.
  • eql?: Checks for value and type equality.
  • casecmp: Case-insensitive comparison.

43. Ruby Class Libraries (Repeated from earlier).

Ruby's class libraries offer extensive functionality across various domains, including text processing, CGI, networking, GUI development, and XML manipulation.

44. Ruby Arrays.

Arrays are ordered collections of objects. Indexing starts at 0. Negative indices count from the end of the array (-1 is the last element).

Creating arrays:

  • Literal constructor: [1, 2, 3]
  • method

45. Accessing Ruby Array Elements.

Access elements using the [] method. You can use single indices, ranges, or negative indices.

Methods for accessing elements include:

  • at
  • slice
  • fetch
  • first, last
  • take, drop

46. Adding Items to a Ruby Array.

  • push (or <<): Adds to the end.
  • unshift: Adds to the beginning.
  • insert: Inserts at a specified index.

47. Removing Items from a Ruby Array.

  • pop: Removes from the end.
  • shift: Removes from the beginning.
  • delete: Removes a specific element.
  • uniq: Removes duplicates.

48. Ruby Hashes.

Hashes are collections of key-value pairs. Keys must be unique. Hashes are accessed using their keys.

49. Creating a Time Instance in Ruby.

Create a Time object using You can specify year, month, day, etc., or omit arguments to use the current time.

50. Ruby Ranges.

Ranges represent a sequence of values. They can be inclusive (..) or exclusive (...) of the ending value.

51. Ruby Iterators.

Iterators provide a way to process each element of a collection (like an array or hash) one at a time.

52. Ruby Iterator Methods.

  • each
  • times
  • upto, downto
  • step
  • each_line (for files)

53. IO Console Methods in Ruby.

The IO::console provides methods for interacting with the console, including raw, cooked, and getch (to get a single character).

54. Opening a File in Ruby.

Use or to open a file. is often preferred because it can be used with a block, automatically closing the file.

55. Reading a File in Ruby.

  • gets: Reads a single line.
  • read: Reads the entire file.
  • readlines: Reads the file into an array of lines.

56. Ruby Class Libraries (Repeated from earlier).

Ruby offers class libraries for various purposes, including text processing, web development (CGI), networking, GUI development, and XML handling.

57. sysread Method in Ruby.

sysread reads a specified number of bytes from a file.

58. Renaming and Deleting Files in Ruby.

  • File.rename: Renames a file.
  • File.delete: Deletes a file.

59. Checking for Directory Existence in Ruby.

Use Dir.exist?("directory_path") to check if a directory exists.

60. Ruby Exceptions.

Exceptions represent errors or exceptional events that occur during program execution. Ruby uses objects to represent exceptions.

61. Built-in Ruby Exception Classes.

(A list of standard exception classes would be included here)

62. Handling Exceptions in Ruby.

Use begin, rescue, and end blocks to handle exceptions.

63. Ruby retry Statement.

retry restarts the begin block after an exception is caught.

64. Ruby raise Statement.

raise explicitly throws an exception.

65. Ruby ensure Statement.

The ensure block always executes, regardless of whether an exception is raised or handled. It's used for cleanup actions.