Symfony Framework Interview Questions

This section covers frequently asked Symfony framework interview questions.

1. What is Symfony?

Symfony is a popular open-source PHP framework for building web applications. It's known for its flexibility, modularity (using reusable components), and adherence to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.

2. Current Stable Version of Symfony.

(This section should be updated with the current stable version of Symfony.)

3. Benefits of Using Symfony.

  • Faster development
  • Uses the MVC pattern
  • Highly flexible and customizable
  • Extensible through bundles (plugins)
  • Large and active community support

4. Symfony Components.

Symfony components are reusable PHP libraries. They're designed to be independent and can be used in various projects, speeding up development and promoting consistency.

5. Laravel and Symfony.

Laravel uses Symfony components.

6. Server Requirements for Symfony.

  • PHP 5.5.9 or higher
  • Composer (PHP dependency manager)
  • JSON extension enabled
  • ctype extension enabled
  • Timezone configured

7. Symfony Controllers.

A Symfony controller is a PHP class or function that handles HTTP requests, processes data, and returns an HTTP response (HTML, JSON, XML, redirects, etc.).

8. Bundles in Symfony.

Bundles are modular units in Symfony, containing controllers, views, templates, configuration, and other resources. They are similar to plugins or extensions and facilitate code reusability and organization.

9. Tasks Performed by Symfony Controllers.

Symfony controllers handle routing, process data, interact with services, and render templates. They are the central point of handling incoming requests and generating responses.

10. Types of Symfony Bundles.

  • Application-specific bundles
  • Reusable bundles (can be shared across projects)

11. Template Engine in Symfony.

Symfony uses Twig, a flexible and efficient templating engine, by default. You can also use other template engines or plain PHP if needed.

12. Symfony Log Directory.

The log directory in your Symfony project.

13. Annotations in Symfony.

Annotations are metadata added to your code to configure aspects of your application (routing, validation, Doctrine ORM mappings, etc.). They're a concise and convenient way to define settings.

14. Environments in Symfony.

  • dev (development): For local development; often includes debugging tools.
  • prod (production): Optimized for performance and security.

15. Symfony Framework Applications.

(This section would list examples of applications built using the Symfony framework.)

16. Symfony: Convention or Configuration?


17. Getting the Current Route.



18. Listing Installed Packages with Composer.

Use the composer show command.

19. Symfony Access Denial.

An HTTP 403 error is returned for unauthorized access.

20. Creating and Removing Sessions.

(This section would show PHP code examples for creating, setting, getting, and removing sessions in Symfony. The `SessionInterface` object is used.)

21. Checking the Symfony Version.

Use php bin/console about or check the `Kernel` class.

22. Descriptors in Symfony.

Descriptors are objects used to generate documentation and other information.

23. Form Helper Functions.

(This section lists common Symfony form helper functions.)

24. Serializer in Symfony.

The serializer component converts PHP objects to various formats (like JSON or XML).

25. Getting the Current Route (Repeated from earlier).

Use $request->get("_route") or the Twig equivalent.

26. Cache Adapters.

Symfony supports various cache adapters (file system, array, APCu, Redis).

27. Symfony 2.

Symfony 2 is an HTTP-centric framework emphasizing modularity, flexibility, and performance. It uses the dependency injection design pattern and is structured around bundles.

28. Setting and Getting Sessions in Symfony 2.

(This section would show how to set and retrieve session variables using the `SessionInterface` object.)

29. Innovations in Symfony 2.

  • Dependency Injection
  • Bundle-based structure
  • Improved debugging tools
  • Robust security features

30. Installing Symfony 2.

(This section provides installation commands for Windows, Linux, and macOS.)

31. Getting Request Parameters.



32. Enabling Bundles in Symfony's Kernel.

Use the registerBundles() method.

33. Rules for Creating Controller Methods.

  • Action methods should be public.
  • Keep methods concise.
  • Use the "Action" suffix for method names.
  • Return a valid response object.

34. Creating a Symfony Application with Composer.

Use the command: composer create-project Symfony/framework-standard-edition my_project_name

35. Fixed Bundle Directory Structure.

No, Symfony bundles don't enforce a strict directory structure.

36. Creating Controllers in Symfony 2.

Controllers are created by extending the AbstractActionController class.


use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;

class IndexController extends AbstractActionController {
    public function indexAction() {
        return new ViewModel();

37. Default Routing Configuration File.


38. Creating Actions in Symfony 2 Controllers.


public function indexAction() {
    return $this->render('user/index.html.twig', []);

39. Creating a Request Object.

Use the Request::createFromGlobals() method.

40. Twig Templating Engine.

Twig is Symfony's default templating engine, offering features like template inheritance, sandboxing, and automatic escaping to prevent XSS vulnerabilities.

41. Database Components in Symfony.

Symfony itself doesn't provide database interaction components; you need to use a separate ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) like Doctrine.

42. FlashBag.

FlashBag is used to temporarily store messages that are displayed after a redirect.

43. Routing Configuration File Technologies.

  • YAML
  • XML
  • PHP

44. Clearing the Cache in Symfony.

Use the cache:clear command.

45. EmailType Syntax.


use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\EmailType;
$builder->add('email', EmailType::class, ['data' => '']);

46. Validating Email Addresses.


use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class Student {
     * @Assert\Email()
    protected $email;

47. Default Symfony Port.


48. Handling AJAX Requests.


if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
    // Handle AJAX request
} else {
    // Handle regular request