LESS (Leaner Style Sheets) Interview Questions

This section covers frequently asked LESS interview questions, focusing on its features, syntax, and how it simplifies CSS development.

What is LESS?

LESS (Leaner Style Sheets) is a preprocessor for CSS. It extends CSS with dynamic behavior (variables, mixins, functions, etc.) that's compiled into standard CSS. It's open-source, runs on both the client-side and server-side, and supports various features to make CSS development more efficient.

Origin of LESS

LESS was first developed in 2009.

Original Programming Language for LESS

LESS was initially written in Ruby.

Current Language for LESS

LESS is currently implemented using JavaScript.

Creators of LESS

Alexis Sellier and Dmitry Fadeyev are credited with the creation and development of LESS.

LESS File Extension

The file extension for LESS files is .less.

Ways to Use LESS

  • Command-line compiler.
  • Third-party tools (e.g., IDE plugins).
  • Browser-based LESS.js compiler.

Variables in LESS

Variables are declared using the @ symbol followed by the variable name, a colon, the value, and a semicolon.


@primary-color: #4CAF50;

Mixins in LESS

Mixins allow you to reuse sets of CSS properties. They're similar to functions in other programming languages and improve code reusability.


.rounded-corners {
    border-radius: 5px;
#myElement {

Nesting in LESS

Nesting in LESS allows you to visually organize your CSS by nesting selectors. This improves readability and maintainability. It creates a hierarchical structure mirroring the HTML.


.container {
    .element {
      color: blue;

Color Channel Functions

LESS provides functions to manipulate color channels (HSL: hue, saturation, lightness; RGB: red, green, blue). These are useful for creating color variations or themes.

Data URIs in LESS

Data URIs embed image data directly into the stylesheet, reducing the number of HTTP requests.

"Source Map Less Inline" Option

The "Source Map Less Inline" option embeds the source map directly into the generated CSS file. This allows easier debugging by mapping back to the original LESS code.

LESS vs. Sass

Feature LESS Sass
Language JavaScript Ruby (or SassScript)
Variables @variableName $variableName
Mixins Built-in Compass (separate library)

LESS and Sass Similarities

  • Namespaces
  • Color functions
  • Nesting
  • JavaScript evaluation (LESS) / SassScript evaluation (Sass)

The & Combinator

The & combinator combines nested selectors with their parent selectors, making it easier to write more concise and maintainable CSS.

Operations in LESS

LESS supports arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) on numbers and colors.

Escaping in LESS

Escaping prevents LESS from interpreting certain characters, allowing you to use CSS code that might otherwise cause parsing errors.

Alternatives to LESS

  • Sass (SCSS)
  • Stylus

Compiling LESS via Command Line


lessc styles.less styles.css

The e() Function

The e() function escapes a value, preventing LESS from interpreting it as LESS code. This is useful for including values that contain special LESS characters.

Looping in LESS

[Explain how to create loops in LESS using recursive mixins, pattern matching, and guard expressions.]

Pre-compiling LESS to CSS

Use a LESS compiler (like lessc) or a task runner (like Gulp or Grunt) to pre-compile LESS files into CSS during your build process.

Namespaces and Accessors

Namespaces help organize mixins. Accessors provide a way to access nested mixins within namespaces.


.namespace {
  .mixin() {
      // ...
.myClass {

Variable Scope

LESS uses lexical scoping (variables are resolved based on their position in the code). Local variables take precedence over variables in outer scopes.

Commenting in LESS

  • Single-line comments: // ...comment...
  • Multi-line comments: /* ...comment... */

Compiler Handling of Comments

The LESS compiler ignores single-line comments but includes multi-line comments in the generated CSS (unless they're specifically marked to be removed).

Importing in LESS

Use @import to include other CSS or LESS files.


@import "otherStyles.less";

The extend Keyword

The extend keyword allows one selector to inherit styles from another. This simplifies code and improves maintainability.

LESS Functions

[List and briefly explain the categories of functions available in LESS (misc, string, list, math, type, color).]

Further Reading: