Essential Java OOPs Interview Questions

Polymorphism in Java

Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common type. This is achieved through method overriding (a subclass provides a specific implementation for a method defined in its superclass) and interface implementation (classes implement methods defined in an interface). Polymorphism enhances code flexibility and reusability.

Interfaces in Java

An interface is a reference type defining a contract; a set of methods that implementing classes must provide. Interfaces cannot be instantiated; they're used to achieve abstraction and multiple inheritance (a class can implement many interfaces).

Java 8 Interface Enhancements: Default and Static Methods

Java 8 introduced default and static methods in interfaces. Default methods provide implementations within the interface, allowing interfaces to evolve without breaking existing code. Static methods are utility methods associated with the interface itself.

Threads and Multitasking in Java

A thread is a unit of execution within a program. Multithreading allows multiple threads to run concurrently within a single program, improving performance and responsiveness. Each thread has its own stack but shares the same memory space.

Deadlocks in Multithreading

A deadlock occurs when two or more threads are blocked indefinitely, each waiting for a resource held by another. Four conditions must be met for a deadlock to occur: mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption, and circular wait.

Strategies to prevent or resolve deadlocks include:

  • Careful resource ordering.
  • Using timeouts.
  • Employing techniques to avoid circular wait conditions.

ArrayList vs. Vector in Java

ArrayList Vector
Not synchronized; more efficient for single-threaded applications. Resizes by 50%. Synchronized; thread-safe; less efficient due to synchronization overhead. Resizes by 100%.

Lists vs. Sets in Java

List Set
Ordered collection; allows duplicate elements; accessed by index. Unordered collection; does not allow duplicates; accessed by element value.
Examples: ArrayList, LinkedList Examples: HashSet, TreeSet

Encapsulation in Object-Oriented Programming

Encapsulation bundles data (fields) and methods (that operate on that data) within a class. It restricts direct access to internal data, managing access through well-defined methods. Encapsulation enhances security, maintainability, and code organization.

Lambda Expressions in Java 8

Lambda expressions provide a concise way to represent anonymous functions (functions without a name). They simplify code, especially when working with functional interfaces (interfaces with a single abstract method).

The hashCode() Method in Java

The hashCode() method returns an integer value representing an object's hash code, used for efficient lookup in hash-based collections. Objects that are equal (as determined by the equals() method) must have the same hash code.

== vs. equals() for Object Comparison

== equals()
Compares object references (memory addresses). Compares object contents (you define the comparison logic).

The super Keyword in Java

The super keyword refers to the superclass (parent class) of the current class. It's used to access or call methods and constructors of the superclass from within a subclass.

Try-with-Resources Statement (Java 7)

The try-with-resources statement simplifies resource management by automatically closing resources (like files or database connections) at the end of the try block, even if exceptions are thrown.

The transient Keyword in Java

The transient keyword prevents a variable from being serialized. This is useful for data that should not be persisted when saving object state (e.g., sensitive information).

Comparable vs. Comparator Interfaces in Java

Comparable Comparator
Defines the natural ordering of objects of a class. Implemented within the class itself. Defines a custom comparison for objects. Implemented separately from the class.

Static Methods in Java

A static method belongs to the class itself, not to any instance of the class. It's called using the class name (e.g., MyClass.myStaticMethod()). static methods cannot directly access instance variables or call instance methods.

The volatile Keyword

The volatile keyword in Java ensures that changes to a variable are immediately visible to all threads, preventing caching issues. It does not, however, guarantee atomicity for complex operations.

The finalize() Method

The finalize() method is called by the garbage collector before an object is garbage collected. It's used for cleanup, but relying on it is generally discouraged; explicit resource management (using try-with-resources or other techniques) is preferred.

The this Keyword

The this keyword in Java refers to the current instance of a class. It's used to:

  • Access instance variables (especially when there's a name conflict with parameters).
  • Call another constructor in the same class (constructor chaining).

Assigning to `this`

You cannot assign a value to the this keyword; it's implicitly assigned and is a final reference.

Using `this` to Access Static Members

While you can technically use this to access static members, it's generally not recommended because static members are accessed using the class name.

Constructor Chaining with `this`

Constructor chaining with this() allows calling another constructor within the same class, streamlining initialization.


Inheritance enables classes to inherit properties and methods from parent classes, promoting code reuse and establishing relationships (IS-A).

Types of Inheritance in Java

  • Single Inheritance
  • Multilevel Inheritance
  • Hierarchical Inheritance
  • Hybrid Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance (through interfaces)

Why Use Inheritance in Java?

  • Code reusability
  • Runtime polymorphism
  • Data hiding
  • Method overriding

Superclass of All Classes

java.lang.Object is the root class in Java; all classes directly or indirectly inherit from it.

Why No Multiple Inheritance of Classes in Java?

To avoid ambiguity (multiple parent classes with the same method), Java only allows single inheritance of classes but supports multiple inheritance through interfaces.


Aggregation describes a "has-a" relationship between classes. One class contains a reference to another, but the contained object can exist independently.


Composition is a stronger form of aggregation; the contained object cannot exist without the container object.

Aggregation vs. Composition

Aggregation Composition
Weaker "has-a" relationship. Stronger "part-of" relationship.

Why Java Avoids Pointers

Pointers are avoided in Java to enhance security and simplify memory management. They can be error-prone if not handled carefully.

The super Keyword

The super keyword refers to the immediate parent class. It's used to access members of the superclass, especially when they're overridden in the subclass.

Constructor Chaining with super()

Constructor chaining with super() allows calling the superclass constructor from within the subclass constructor. This is essential for initializing inherited fields.

Uses of the super Keyword

  • To invoke a superclass constructor.
  • To access hidden superclass methods and fields.

this vs. super

this super
Refers to the current object instance. Refers to the parent class object.

Example: Implicit super() Call

Java Code

class Person {
    public Person() {
        System.out.println("Person class constructor called");

public class Employee extends Person {
    public Employee() {
        System.out.println("Employee class constructor called");
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Employee e = new Employee();
Person class constructor called
Employee class constructor called

Using `this()` and `super()` Together

You cannot use both this() and super() in the same constructor because they must be the first statement.