RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript): A Reactive Programming Library

This guide provides a comprehensive introduction to RxJS, a powerful library for reactive programming in JavaScript and TypeScript. Learn about reactive programming principles, understand how RxJS simplifies handling asynchronous data streams, and discover its benefits in building modern, event-driven applications.

RxJS and Reactive Programming Interview Questions

What is RxJS?

Question 1: What is RxJS?

RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a library for reactive programming using Observables. It makes working with asynchronous data streams (like HTTP requests, user events, timers) easier and more manageable in JavaScript and TypeScript applications. RxJS combines elements of the observer pattern, iterator pattern, and functional programming.

Reactive Programming

Question 2: What is Reactive Programming?

Reactive programming is a declarative programming paradigm concerned with asynchronous data streams. It's a style of programming that makes it easier to deal with events and changes in data over time. Instead of dealing with callbacks, you handle streams of data flowing through your application.

Prerequisites for Learning RxJS

Question 3: Prerequisites for Learning RxJS

Familiarity with JavaScript and a basic understanding of common JavaScript frameworks (like Angular, React, etc.) will help in understanding RxJS effectively.

Key RxJS Features

Question 4: Key Features of RxJS

Important RxJS concepts:

  • Observer: Receives notifications (next value, error, completion) from an Observable.
  • Observable: A function that creates an Observer and subscribes it to the data source.
  • Subscription: Used to subscribe to an Observable and manage the data stream.
  • Operators: Functions that transform or filter Observable streams.
  • Subjects: Observables that can multicast (send data to multiple Observers).
  • Schedulers: Control when Observables emit data and Observers receive notifications.

Advantages of Reactive Programming

Question 5: Advantages of Reactive Programming


  • Simplified asynchronous programming.
  • Improved code readability.
  • Easier handling of multiple data streams.
  • Enhanced testability.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RxJS

Question 6: Advantages and Disadvantages of RxJS


  • Works well with various JavaScript frameworks.
  • Streamlines asynchronous operations.
  • Provides many operators.


  • Debugging can be challenging.
  • Can increase code complexity if overused.


Question 7: What is Redux?

Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It's commonly used with libraries like React to manage application state efficiently. It's known for its simplicity and predictability.

Redux Principles

Question 8: Core Principles of Redux

Redux principles:

  • Single source of truth: The entire application state is stored in a single object tree.
  • State is read-only: The only way to change the state is to dispatch an action.
  • Changes are made with pure functions (reducers): Reducers specify how the state changes in response to actions.

RxJS Streams

Question 9: RxJS Streams

An RxJS stream (Observable) is a sequence of asynchronous events over time. A stream can emit values, errors, or a completion signal. It's a way to work with asynchronous data in a more structured and manageable way than using callbacks.

Reactive Manifesto

Question 10: Reactive Manifesto

The Reactive Manifesto outlines the principles of reactive programming: responsiveness, resilience, elasticity, and message-driven architecture.

Redux vs. RxJS

Question 11: Redux vs. RxJS


  • Both leverage reactive principles (observing changes).


  • Redux is a state management solution.
  • RxJS is a library for reactive programming.

Reactive vs. Imperative Programming

Question 12: Reactive vs. Imperative Programming

In reactive programming, data is pushed to subscribers (observers); in imperative programming, data is pulled (explicitly requested).

`BehaviorSubject` vs. `Observable`

Question 13: `BehaviorSubject` vs. `Observable`


Observable Type Description
Observable Stateless; emits only new values
BehaviorSubject Stateful; emits initial value and then new values
Feature `Observable` `BehaviorSubject`
State Stateless Stateful (holds the latest value)
Initial Value No initial value Emits an initial value to subscribers
Data Sharing Unicast (one-to-one) Multicast (one-to-many)

RxJS Operators

Question 14: RxJS Operators

RxJS operators are pure functions that transform Observables. They're categorized by functionality (creation, mathematical, filtering, transformation, etc.). The `pipe()` method is used to chain operators together.

Observables in RxJS

Question 15: Observables in RxJS

An Observable in RxJS is a function that takes an observer and subscribes it to a data source (producing values over time). It represents a stream of data.

Observables vs. Promises

Question 16: RxJS Observables vs. Promises


Feature Observable Promise
Values Multiple values over time Single value
Cancellation Cancelable Not cancelable
Laziness Lazy (executes on subscription) Not lazy (executes immediately)

Advantages of Observables over Promises

Question 17: Advantages of Observables over Promises


  • Handle multiple values.
  • Support cancellation.
  • Provide various operators for data manipulation.
  • Enable better error handling.

React vs. RxJS

Question 18: React vs. RxJS

React is a library for building user interfaces; RxJS is a library for handling asynchronous operations. They are often used together in applications.

Non-Blocking in RxJS

Question 19: Non-Blocking in RxJS

Non-blocking operations in RxJS (and reactive programming) don't block the main thread, allowing the application to remain responsive while waiting for asynchronous operations to complete.

Asynchronous Operations in RxJS

Question 20: Asynchronous Operations in RxJS

Asynchronous operations in RxJS happen outside the main thread. The main thread only resumes when the asynchronous operation has completed and sent results.

Cold vs. Hot Observables

Question 21: Cold vs. Hot Observables


Observable Type Data Source Execution Data Sharing
Cold Observable Internal to the observable Executes on subscription Unicast (one-to-one)
Hot Observable External to the observable Executes independently of subscription Multicast (one-to-many)

Actor Model

Question 22: Actor Model in RxJS

The actor model is a concurrency model where the application's concurrency primitives are actors. Actors communicate asynchronously by sending messages.

Subjects in RxJS

Question 23: Subjects in RxJS

Subjects in RxJS are special types of Observables that allow values to be multicast to multiple observers. They act as event emitters.

Subject Types

Question 24: Types of Subjects

RxJS provides various Subject types (`Subject`, `BehaviorSubject`, `ReplaySubject`, `AsyncSubject`), each with different characteristics concerning whether or not to emit values to new subscribers before and after subscription.

RxJS Map and Higher-Order Mapping

Question 25: RxJS Map and Higher-Order Mapping

The RxJS `map` operator transforms each value emitted by an Observable into a new value. In higher-order mapping, the `map` operator transforms each value into a *new Observable*. This results in an Observable that emits Observables (a higher-order Observable).

Example: Higher-Order Mapping

import { from, of } from 'rxjs';
import { map, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

const source = from([1, 2, 3]);

const example = source.pipe(
  mergeMap(val => of(val * 2)) //Higher-order mapping

example.subscribe(val => console.log(val)); // Output: 2, 4, 6

`concatMap`, `mergeMap`, and `switchMap`

Question 26: `concatMap`, `mergeMap`, and `switchMap`

These are RxJS operators used for flattening higher-order Observables:

  • `concatMap` : Subscribes to inner Observables sequentially.
  • `mergeMap` : Subscribes to inner Observables concurrently.
  • `switchMap` : Unsubscribes from the previous inner Observable when a new value is emitted.
concatMap Example

// ... (imports) ...
    concatMap(formValue => this.http.put("/api/book/", formValue))
    response => { /* handle successful response */ },
    err => { /* handle error */ }

Back Pressure

Question 27: Back Pressure

Back pressure in reactive programming is a mechanism to handle situations where an Observable produces data faster than its observers can consume it. It involves signaling upstream components to slow down data production to prevent the system from becoming overwhelmed.

Elasticity vs. Scalability

Question 28: Elasticity vs. Scalability

In IT infrastructure:

  • Scalability: The ability to handle increasing workloads by proportionally increasing resources.
  • Elasticity: The ability to automatically adjust resources based on demand (scaling up or down dynamically).

Failure vs. Error

Question 29: Failure vs. Error

In a reactive system:

  • Failure: An unexpected event preventing normal operation.
  • Error: An expected condition (e.g., validation error) that is reported to the client.

Imperative, Functional, and Reactive Programming

Question 30: Imperative, Functional, and Reactive Programming

Comparing programming paradigms:

Paradigm Description
Imperative Focuses on *how* to solve a problem; uses statements to change a program's state.
Functional Focuses on *what* to compute; uses functions and avoids changing state.
Reactive Deals with asynchronous data streams and events; focuses on reacting to changes.

Resilience in Reactive Systems

Question 31: Resilience in Reactive Systems

A resilient system remains responsive in the face of failures. Techniques like replication, isolation, and circuit breakers help to achieve resilience.

RxJS Subjects

Question 23: Subjects in RxJS

Subjects are special Observables that act as both an observer and an observable. This means that you can both subscribe to a Subject to receive values and also pass values into a subject using its `next()` method.

Subject Types

Question 24: Types of Subjects

RxJS Subject types:

  • Subject: Simple subject; only emits new values.
  • BehaviorSubject: Emits its last emitted value to new subscribers.
  • ReplaySubject: Emits all previously emitted values to new subscribers.
  • AsyncSubject: Emits only the last value when the source completes.