Ionic Framework Interview Questions and Answers

This page provides answers to frequently asked Ionic Framework interview questions.

What is the Ionic Framework?

Ionic is an open-source UI toolkit for building high-performance mobile apps, desktop apps, and progressive web apps (PWAs) using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). It offers a "build once, run everywhere" approach. Ionic focuses on the front-end user experience (UI), handling the app's look and feel. It's easy to learn and integrates with frameworks like Angular, Cordova, Vue.js, and React.js (though Angular integration is primary).

Learn More about Ionic

Ionic Framework Creators

Ionic was created by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley of Drifty Co. in 2013. The first beta was released in March 2014.

Installing the Ionic Framework

Prerequisites for installing Ionic include:

  • Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)
  • A code editor
  • The Ionic CLI (Command-Line Interface)

Step-by-step Ionic Installation Guide

Ionic CLI

The Ionic CLI is the main tool for Ionic app development. It provides commands for starting projects, building, serving, running, emulating, and getting information about your project. It also manages cloud builds, deployments, and Ionic Pro accounts.

Advantages of Ionic

Read about the advantages of using the Ionic framework

Disadvantages of Ionic

Read about the disadvantages of using the Ionic framework

Features of Ionic

Explore the key features of the Ionic framework

Ionic 4 vs. Previous Versions

Ionic 4 introduced significant changes: a new project structure, improved performance, better compatibility with Angular, React, and Vue.js, updated documentation, and various other enhancements.

Detailed comparison of Ionic 4 and previous versions

Lazy Loading

Lazy loading loads resources only when needed. In Ionic, this means pages or components aren't loaded until the user navigates to them. In Ionic 4 and later, this is typically handled with Angular routing.

Popular Apps Built with Ionic

  • Sworkit (fitness)
  • Cryptochange (cryptocurrency tracker)
  • justWatch (streaming search)
  • MarketWatch (financial news)
  • Pacifica (CBT)
  • Untappd (social check-in)
  • National Museum of African American History and Culture

Navigation in Ionic 4

Ionic 4 uses Angular's RouterModule for navigation, providing a consistent routing experience. The ion-router-outlet component manages animations during navigation. (NavController is deprecated).

Web Views

Ionic apps use web views—full-screen web browsers—to render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Modern web views offer access to HTML5 APIs for hardware features (camera, Bluetooth, etc.). Access to platform-specific APIs is often achieved through native plugins.

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

CORS is a mechanism that allows web applications to access resources from different origins (domains). It's managed through HTTP headers on the server. If CORS isn't handled properly on the server, native plugins can bypass these restrictions.

Data Persistence in Ionic Apps

Ionic's @ionic/storage package provides a storage module for key-value pairs and JSON objects. The underlying storage engine depends on the platform (SQLite for native apps, IndexedDB, WebSQL, localStorage for web/PWAs). SQLite is generally preferred for its stability.

Reducing APK Size

To reduce your Ionic app's APK size:

  • Compress images (screenshots, icons)
  • Minify JS and CSS files
  • Remove unused modules and plugins
  • Remove unnecessary code
  • Use the ionic build android -prod command

Ionic vs. Apache Cordova

Ionic and Cordova are related but distinct. Ionic builds *on top of* Cordova (a hybrid app development framework). They are commonly used together.

Learn more about the differences between Ionic and Cordova

Ionic Storage Types

Ionic supports various storage mechanisms including:

  • LocalStorage
  • SQLite
  • Cookie and session storage
  • IndexedDB
  • WebSQL
  • PouchDB
  • Web service/API storage
  • Cordova storage

Current Stable Ionic Version

The current stable version is [Insert Current Version Number Here]. It typically uses Angular 6 or later.

Renaming an Ionic App

Modify the name tag within the config.xml file in your project's root directory.

Updating Cordova Plugins

Use these commands:


npm install -g cordova-check-plugins
cordova-check-plugins --update=auto


ion-app is the root container for your entire Ionic app. An Ionic project should have only one ion-app element, which contains other Ionic components (header, footer, content, etc.).

Bundled Colors in Ionic 4 Projects

Ionic 4 (and Ionic 5) doesn't have a fixed, pre-defined list of "bundled colors" like a CSS framework. Instead, it uses CSS variables (custom properties) to define its default color scheme, allowing easy customization. The color palette isn't directly part of the Ionic framework itself.

When you create a new Ionic 4 project, you'll find CSS variables in your src/theme/variables.scss file. These variables define the default color scheme. These aren't named things like "blue" or "green" directly, but represent color *schemes* or *shades*. You then apply these variables throughout your app for consistent styling.

The exact variables and their default values might vary slightly between Ionic versions, but you'll typically find variables related to these color aspects:

  • --ion-color-primary: The most prominent color (often blue, but customizable).
  • --ion-color-secondary: A secondary supporting color.
  • --ion-color-tertiary: Another supporting color.
  • --ion-color-success: Typically green, for positive feedback.
  • --ion-color-warning: Usually yellow or orange, for warnings.
  • --ion-color-danger: Red, for errors or negative feedback.
  • --ion-color-light: A light color, often for backgrounds.
  • --ion-color-medium: A mid-tone color.
  • --ion-color-dark: A dark color, often for backgrounds or text.

Important Note: These are variable names representing color schemes. The actual color values (hex codes, RGB) assigned to these variables determine the visual appearance. These values are defined in variables.scss and are easily overridden to create a custom color palette. There aren't pre-set "bundled color names" as such; you use these variable names to define your consistent app colors.

Predefined Colors in Ionic

Ionic provides nine predefined colors (primary, secondary, tertiary, danger, warning, success, dark, medium, light) that can be applied to components using the color attribute. If no color is specified, the primary color is used by default. Each color has shades and tints.

Native Apps

Native apps are built specifically for a particular platform (iOS, Android, etc.). They are installed directly onto devices via app stores, are always available, and can use device features and notifications, often working offline.

Mobile Web Apps

Mobile web apps are accessed through mobile web browsers. They don't require installation and rely on an internet connection.

Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps combine elements of native and web apps. They are installed like native apps but use web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). This approach allows for cross-platform development.

Identifying Platforms at Runtime

Ionic's Platform service provides information about the device (platform, device type). Ionic adds CSS classes to the html tag based on the platform (e.g., platform-ios for iOS).

ionic build vs. ionic prepare

ionic prepare copies files from the www folder to the platform's www folder. ionic build does this and also builds the app's source code, preparing it to run on a simulator, emulator, or device.

ion-grid Component

Ionic's grid system is a flexbox-based layout system. It uses a 12-column structure with responsive breakpoints. Grids contain rows, and rows contain columns. The size attribute on columns determines their width.

Key Ionic Components

Here are some important Ionic components:

  • ion-alert: Displays alerts to the user.
  • ion-button: Creates buttons for user interaction.
  • ion-content: A scrollable content container.
  • ion-list: Displays lists of items.
  • ion-input: Provides input fields for user data.


config.xml is the main configuration file for Ionic/Cordova apps. It specifies metadata (app name, version, author, plugins, etc.), following the W3C Widget specification.


This component loads data incrementally as the user scrolls, ideal for displaying large datasets (like news feeds).


The ion-refresher adds pull-to-refresh functionality, allowing users to refresh the content by pulling down on the page.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

PWAs are web apps designed to feel like native apps. They offer features like offline functionality, fast loading, and push notifications.

Recommended IDEs for Ionic Development

IDEs supporting ES6 and TypeScript are best for Ionic development. Popular choices include Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, and Atom.

Ionic Market

Ionic Market is a marketplace for Ionic developers to buy and sell pre-built starters, themes, and plugins.

Ionic Page Lifecycle Events

Ionic leverages Angular's lifecycle events:

  • ngOnInit: Called once during component initialization.
  • ngOnDestroy: Called before the component is destroyed (for cleanup).
  • ionViewWillEnter: Called before the view enters.

Ionic Page Lifecycle Hooks

These events are fired at different stages of a page's lifecycle within an Ionic application. They are crucial for managing data, animations, and cleanup:

  • ionViewWillEnter: Before the page's animation into view.
  • ionViewDidEnter: After the page has finished animating in.
  • ionViewWillLeave: Before the page's animation out of view.
  • ionViewDidLeave: After the page has finished animating out.

Ionic Navigation Lifecycle Hooks

These hooks are related to navigation changes within the Ionic application using the NavController.

  • ionNavWillChange: Before navigation changes.
  • ionNavDidChange: After navigation changes.
  • ionNavWillLoad: Before a component loads within the navigation stack.

Debugging on Real Devices/Emulators

Use Chrome Remote Debugging (for Android) or Safari's web inspector (for iOS) to debug Ionic apps running on real devices or emulators. These tools provide powerful debugging capabilities.

Using Firebase with Ionic

Yes, Firebase integrates well with Ionic. Install the Firebase SDK as a Node module, import it into your project, and utilize its services.

Listing Available Ionic Templates

Use this command to see available starter templates:


ionic start --list

Adding a Custom Splash Screen

A splash screen is a temporary screen shown while an app loads. It typically contains a logo and version information.

Learn how to add a custom splash screen to your Ionic app

async and await

async and await (ES2017) simplify asynchronous code. async declares an asynchronous function, and await pauses execution until a Promise resolves.

Example (Async/Await)

async function myAsyncFunction() {
  try {
    let result = await myPromiseFunction();
  } catch (error) {

Ionic Events

Ionic's event system uses a publish/subscribe model for inter-component communication. One component publishes an event, and others subscribe to receive it.

Example (Event Handling)

// Publisher'myEvent', myData);

// Subscriber'myEvent', (data) => { /* handle data */ });


The AlertController creates alert dialogs to inform users or get quick input (e.g., password confirmation). It uses the create() method to create and customize alerts.

Learn more about AlertController

Capacitor in Ionic

Capacitor is a cross-platform native runtime that lets you build web apps running natively on various platforms (iOS, Android, Electron, web). It's considered an evolution beyond hybrid app development and offers native performance.